Rolling icons – App and photo icons
How to install Rolling icons - App and photo icons APK?
1. Tap the downloaded [Button] APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
For ZIP files
Some ZIPs can obtain APK and OBB files necessary for the installation, so it should be recommended to use an application to install this type of files, we recommend "ZArchiver".View app
Rolling icons – App and photo icons For Android. The app icon the photo and your mobile icon is rolling width the gesture and the gravity
1 rolling with a gesture
The app icon and the photo icon is rolling and the width is gesture and full gravity, collision, and sparks, very cool!!
2 rolling in the launcher
When you set it because of the stay wallpaper, you possibly can rock and roll the launcher!!! what superior it is!!
Rolling icons – App and photo icons For Android
3 you make it!!
1 which icon? you make it!!
2 what number of? you make it!!
3 how massive? You make it!!
4 what background? you make it!!
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